I’ll Get To “Me” Later

Uncategorized Feb 22, 2022

 When you think about self-care and creating time for yourself, what thoughts come to your mind? Will you get to it “tomorrow” or “someday?”  For me, even when I do schedule time for myself, if something comes up, time for me is the first thing that flies off the list. I began to realize I had adopted the mindset that taking care of others was more important than taking care of me!

Changing Old Mindsets

Taking care of ME is more than blocking off time in my schedule. It is changing my mindset from being the last person on my priority list to being the first. We need to remember that when we put ourselves last, we are sending ourselves a message that we are not valuable and worthy. Is this the message we want to believe? This is a mindset we need to get rid of. Not taking care of ourselves is NOT honorable. We need to start adopting the mindset that self-care is a measure of self-value.

Self-Care is a Measure of Self-Value

How do I feel about myself? Am I not important enough to give myself the care I deserve?  One of my dreams is to be healthy and happy and live a long life.  I needed to keep it simple. My first step, was to start exercising. I had choices, I could go to a gym or exercise at home.  I needed convenience, so we decided to get a home gym (just a rowing machine, at first).  I needed convenience because, for me, physically going to a gym would not happen. I began exercising at home, and started to keep a promise I had made to myself-to be healthy! 

Keeping promises to Myself

By taking small steps to take care of myself, I began to feel I was a person of value. The small steps allowed me to see more clearly that I had choices. Soon the small steps began to transform into bigger steps. I began to prioritize my schedule and started to permanently keep my own self-worth at the forefront of my head and heart daily. 

We all know that there are times when we get overwhelmed with other demands, and our best intentions may get sidetracked.  When I do get sidetracked, I know that I never have a problem keeping my  promises to others; now I need to remember to keep my promises to myself, too.  By transforming my mindset, I no longer neglect myself, but send messages that recognize I am a person worthy of self-care.

Next week we will talk more about transforming smaller steps into making life dreams come true.

 Share below how could you begin to take small steps to send the messages to you that you value yourself! Remember to follow us on Instagram!



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